The most popular diamond shape is a so-called 'round brilliant' cut diamond. Looked at from above and below, it appears circular and from the side it has the classic diamond outline that we are familiar with.
A brilliant cut diamond has several different parts, each of which plays a role in the overall appearance and quality of the diamond. Other shapes of diamond will have different features but the main elements of the diamond will be the same as those found in a brilliant cut diamond. The six main elements of a brilliant cut diamond include:
The crown: This is the top portion of the diamond that sits above the girdle (the widest part of the diamond). The crown consists of the table (the flat top surface) and the upper portion of the diamond's facets.
The pavilion: This is the lower portion of the diamond that sits below the girdle. The pavilion consists of the lower facets of the diamond and the culet (the small, pointed tip at the bottom of the diamond).
The girdle: This is the widest part of the diamond and separates the crown from the pavilion. The girdle can be either faceted or unfaceted, depending on the diamond cut.
The table: This is the flat top surface of the crown. The size and shape of the table can affect the diamond's overall appearance and the way it reflects light.
The facets: These are the small, flat planes that are cut into the surface of the diamond. Facets are what give diamonds their sparkle and brilliance, and the number and arrangement of facets can vary depending on the diamond cut.
The culet: This is the small, pointed tip at the bottom of the diamond. The culet can be either pointed or flat, depending on the diamond cut.